Excerpted from New Spy spilling on MARVEL projects? Let's look and see...
Ain't It Cool News, 12 March 2009 Hey folks, Harry here - I had been hearing much of what this new "spy" offers via sources on the inside. AND as of this juncture, it looks like most of this is really solid. The AVENGERS move was done with the best hopes of Favreau coming aboard, whether or not anybody will go on record saying that, it is what I've heard for a while now, and I wasn't surprised by its date movement today. As for the casting on THOR listed below - We have all been hearing about Alexander Skargard - but I hadn't heard the reports on Stellan or Josh's involvement, but the justification behind Hartnett feels right. [SNIP] - Alexander Skargard is indeed Branagh’s favorite to play Thor as some sites are reporting. If all goes well and it happens then we hope to get Stellan Skarsgard for Odin (though at present Odin is only a very small cameo part in this movie). - Loki will probably be played by Hartnett, if his pay negotiations work out. All the commentary about him wanting to do a Ledger and play a villain is B.S. though – WE APPROACHED HARTNETT because Branagh’s a big fan of the Othello adaptation O where Hartnett played Iago who is very similar character wise to how he sees Loki.
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